Source code for eemont.image

import ee
import warnings
from .common import _get_indices
from .common import _get_platform
from .common import _get_scale_method
from .common import _get_expression_map

def _extend_eeImage():
    """Decorator. Extends the ee.ImageCollection class."""
    return lambda f: (setattr(ee.image.Image,f.__name__,f) or f)

def __add__(self, other):
    '''Computes the addition between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Addition of two images.
    return self.add(other)

def __radd__(self, other):
    '''Computes the addition between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Addition of two images.
    return self.add(other)

def __sub__(self, other):
    '''Computes the subtraction between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Subtraction of two images.
    return self.subtract(other)

def __rsub__(self, other):
    '''Computes the subtraction between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Subtraction of two images.
    return ee.Image(other).subtract(self)

def __mul__(self, other):
    '''Computes the multiplication between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Multiplication of two images.
    return self.multiply(other)

def __rmul__(self, other):
    '''Computes the multiplication between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Multiplication of two images.
    return self.multiply(other)

def __truediv__(self, other):
    '''Computes the division between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Division of two images.
    return self.divide(other)

def __rtruediv__(self, other):
    '''Computes the division between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Division of two images.
    return ee.Image(other).divide(self)

def __floordiv__(self, other):
    '''Computes the floor division of two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Floor division of two images.
    return self.divide(other).floor()

def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
    '''Computes the floor division of two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Floor division of two images.
    return ee.Image(other).divide(self).floor()

def __mod__(self, other):
    '''Computes the modulo of two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Modulo of two images.
    return self.mod(other)

def __rmod__(self, other):
    '''Computes the modulo of two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Modulo of two images.
    return ee.Image(other).mod(self)

def __pow__(self, other):
    '''Computes the base (left operand) to the power (right operand).

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Bsae to the power of two images.
    return self.pow(other)

def __rpow__(self, other):
    '''Computes the base (left operand) to the power (right operand).

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Base to the power of two images.
    return ee.Image(other).pow(self)

def __lshift__(self, other):
    '''Computes the left shift operation between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Left shift operation.
    return self.leftShift(other)

def __rlshift__(self, other):
    '''Computes the left shift operation between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Left shift operation.
    return ee.Image(other).leftShift(self)

def __rshift__(self, other):
    '''Computes the right shift operation between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Right shift operation.
    return self.rightShift(other)

def __rrshift__(self, other):
    '''Computes the right shift operation between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Right shift operation.
    return ee.Image(other).rightShift(self)

def __and__(self, other):
    '''Computes the binary operator AND between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Binary operator AND.
    return self.And(other)

def __rand__(self, other):
    '''Computes the binary operator AND between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Binary operator AND.
    return ee.Image(other).And(self)

def __or__(self, other):
    '''Computes the binary operator OR between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Binary operator OR.
    return self.Or(other)

def __ror__(self, other):
    '''Computes the binary operator OR between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Right operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Left operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Binary operator OR.
    return ee.Image(other).Or(self)

def __lt__(self, other):
    '''Computes the rich comparison LOWER THAN between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Rich comparison LOWER THAN.

def __le__(self, other):
    '''Computes the rich comparison LOWER THAN OR EQUAL between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Rich comparison LOWER THAN OR EQUAL.
    return self.lte(other)

def __eq__(self, other):
    '''Computes the rich comparison EQUAL between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Rich comparison EQUAL.
    return self.eq(other)

def __ne__(self, other):
    '''Computes the rich comparison NOT EQUAL THAN between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Rich comparison NOT EQUAL.
    return self.neq(other)

def __gt__(self, other):
    '''Computes the rich comparison GREATER THAN between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Rich comparison GREATER THAN.

def __ge__(self, other):
    '''Computes the rich comparison GREATER THAN OR EQUAL between two images.

    self : ee.Image
        Left operand.
    other : ee.Image | numeric | list[numeric]
        Right operand. If numeric, an ee.Image is created from its value. If list, an ee.Image with n bands (n = len(list)) is created from its values.

        Rich comparison GREATER THAN OR EQUAL.
    return self.gte(other)

def __neg__(self):
    '''Computes the unary operator NEGATIVE on an image.

    self : ee.Image

        Unary operator NEGATIVE.
    return self.multiply(-1)

def __invert__(self):
    '''Computes the unary operator NOT on an image.

    self : ee.Image

        Unary operator NOT.
    return self.Not()

[docs]@_extend_eeImage() def index(self,index = 'NDVI',G = 2.5,C1 = 6.0,C2 = 7.5,L = 1.0): '''Computes one or more spectral indices (indices are added as bands) for an image. Parameters ---------- self : ee.Image [this] Image to compute indices on. Must be scaled to [0,1]. Check the supported platforms in User Guide > Spectral Indices > Supported Platforms. index : string | list[string], default = 'NDVI' Index or list of indices to compute.\n Available options: - 'vegetation' : Compute all vegetation indices. - 'burn' : Compute all burn indices. - 'water' : Compute all water indices. - 'snow' : Compute all snow indices. - 'all' : Compute all indices listed below. Vegetation indices: - 'BNDVI' : Blue Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. - 'CIG' : Chlorophyll Index - Green. - 'CVI' : Chlorophyll Vegetation Index. - 'EVI' : Enhanced Vegetation Index. - 'EVI2' : Two-Band Enhanced Vegetation Index. - 'GBNDVI' : Green-Blue Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. - 'GNDVI' : Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. - 'GRNDVI' : Green-Red Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. - 'MNDVI' : Modified Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. - 'NDVI' : Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. - 'NGRDI' : Normalized Green Red Difference Index. - 'RVI' : Ratio Vegetation Index. - 'SAVI' : Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index. Burn and fire indices: - 'BAI' : Burned Area Index. - 'BAIS2' : Burned Area Index for Sentinel 2. - 'CSIT' : Char Soil Index Thermal. - 'NBR' : Normalized Burn Ratio. - 'NBRT' : Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal. - 'NDVIT' : Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Thermal - 'SAVIT' : Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index Thermal. Water indices: - 'MNDWI' : Modified Normalized Difference Water Index. - 'NDWI' : Normalized Difference Water Index. Snow indices: - 'NDSI' : Normalized Difference Snow Index. G : float, default = 2.5 Gain factor. Used just for index = 'EVI'. C1 : float, default = 6.0 Coefficient 1 for the aerosol resistance term. Used just for index = 'EVI'. C2 : float, default = 7.5 Coefficient 2 for the aerosol resistance term. Used just for index = 'EVI'. L : float, default = 1.0 Canopy background adjustment. Used just for index = ['EVI','SAVI']. Returns ------- ee.Image Image with the computed spectral index, or indices, as new bands. Examples -------- >>> import ee, eemont >>> ee.Initialize() >>> S2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR').first().scale().index(['NDVI','EVI','GNDVI']) See Also -------- scale : Scales bands on an image collection. ''' platformDict = _get_platform(self) additionalParameters = { 'g': float(G), 'C1': float(C1), 'C2': float(C2), 'L': float(L), } spectralIndices = _get_indices() indicesNames = list(spectralIndices.keys()) if not isinstance(index, list): if index == 'all': index = list(spectralIndices.keys()) elif index in ['vegetation','burn','water','snow']: temporalListOfIndices = [] for idx in indicesNames: if spectralIndices[idx]['type'] == index: temporalListOfIndices.append(idx) index = temporalListOfIndices else: index = [index] for idx in index: if idx not in list(spectralIndices.keys()): warnings.warn("Index " + idx + " is not a built-in index and it won't be computed!",Warning) else: def temporalIndex(img): lookupDic = _get_expression_map(img, platformDict) lookupDic = {**lookupDic, **additionalParameters} if all(band in list(lookupDic.keys()) for band in spectralIndices[idx]['requires']): return img.addBands(img.expression(spectralIndices[idx]['formula'],lookupDic).rename(idx)) else: warnings.warn("This platform doesn't have the required bands for " + idx + " computation!",Warning) return img self = temporalIndex(self) return self
[docs]@_extend_eeImage() def maskClouds(self, method = 'cloud_prob', prob = 60, maskCirrus = True, maskShadows = True, scaledImage = False, dark = 0.15, cloudDist = 1000, buffer = 250, cdi = None): '''Masks clouds and shadows in an image (valid just for Surface Reflectance products). Parameters ---------- self : ee.Image [this] Image to mask. Check the supported platforms in User Guide > Masking Clouds and Shadows > Supported Platforms. method : string, default = 'cloud_prob' Method used to mask clouds.\n Available options: - 'cloud_prob' : Use cloud probability. - 'qa' : Use Quality Assessment band. This parameter is ignored for Landsat products. prob : numeric [0, 100], default = 60 Cloud probability threshold. Valid just for method = 'prob'. This parameter is ignored for Landsat products. maskCirrus : boolean, default = True Whether to mask cirrus clouds. Valid just for method = 'qa'. This parameter is ignored for Landsat products. maskShadows : boolean, default = True Whether to mask cloud shadows. For more info see 'Braaten, J. 2020. Sentinel-2 Cloud Masking with s2cloudless. Google Earth Engine, Community Tutorials'. scaledImage : boolean, default = False Whether the pixel values are scaled to the range [0,1] (reflectance values). This parameter is ignored for Landsat products. dark : float [0,1], default = 0.15 NIR threshold. NIR values below this threshold are potential cloud shadows. This parameter is ignored for Landsat products. cloudDist : int, default = 1000 Maximum distance in meters (m) to look for cloud shadows from cloud edges. This parameter is ignored for Landsat products. buffer : int, default = 250 Distance in meters (m) to dilate cloud and cloud shadows objects. This parameter is ignored for Landsat products. cdi : float [-1,1], default = None Cloud Displacement Index threshold. Values below this threshold are considered potential clouds. A cdi = None means that the index is not used. For more info see 'Frantz, D., HaS, E., Uhl, A., Stoffels, J., Hill, J. 2018. Improvement of the Fmask algorithm for Sentinel-2 images: Separating clouds from bright surfaces based on parallax effects. Remote Sensing of Environment 2015: 471-481'. This parameter is ignored for Landsat products. Returns ------- ee.Image Cloud-shadow masked image. Examples -------- >>> import ee, eemont >>> ee.Initialize() >>> S2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR').first().maskClouds(prob = 75,buffer = 300,cdi = -0.5) Notes ----- This method may mask water as well as clouds for the Sentinel-3 Radiance product. ''' def S3(args): qa ='quality_flags') notCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 27).eq(0); return args.updateMask(notCloud) def S2(args): def cloud_prob(img): clouds = ee.Image(img.get('cloud_mask')).select('probability') isCloud = clouds.gte(prob).rename('CLOUD_MASK') return img.addBands(isCloud) def QA(img): qa ='QA60') cloudBitMask = 1 << 10 isCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudBitMask).eq(0) if maskCirrus: cirrusBitMask = 1 << 11 isCloud = isCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(cirrusBitMask).eq(0)) isCloud = isCloud.Not().rename('CLOUD_MASK') return img.addBands(isCloud) def CDI(img): idx = img.get('system:index') S2TOA = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2').filter(ee.Filter.eq('system:index',idx)).first() CloudDisplacementIndex = ee.Algorithms.Sentinel2.CDI(S2TOA) isCloud ='CLOUD_MASK_CDI') return img.addBands(isCloud) def get_shadows(img): notWater ='SCL').neq(6) if not scaledImage: darkPixels ='B8').lt(dark * 1e4).multiply(notWater) else: darkPixels ='B8').lt(dark).multiply(notWater) shadowAzimuth = ee.Number(90).subtract(ee.Number(img.get('MEAN_SOLAR_AZIMUTH_ANGLE'))) cloudProjection ='CLOUD_MASK').directionalDistanceTransform(shadowAzimuth,cloudDist/10) cloudProjection = cloudProjection.reproject(crs =,scale = 10).select('distance').mask() isShadow = cloudProjection.multiply(darkPixels).rename('SHADOW_MASK') return img.addBands(isShadow) def clean_dilate(img): isCloudShadow ='CLOUD_MASK') if cdi != None: isCloudShadow = isCloudShadow.And('CLOUD_MASK_CDI')) if maskShadows: isCloudShadow = isCloudShadow.add('SHADOW_MASK')).gt(0) isCloudShadow = isCloudShadow.focal_min(20,units = 'meters').focal_max(buffer*2/10,units = 'meters').rename('CLOUD_SHADOW_MASK') return img.addBands(isCloudShadow) def apply_mask(img): return img.updateMask('CLOUD_SHADOW_MASK').Not()) if method == 'cloud_prob': S2Clouds = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY') fil = ee.Filter.equals(leftField = 'system:index',rightField = 'system:index') S2WithCloudMask = ee.Join.saveFirst('cloud_mask').apply(ee.ImageCollection(args),S2Clouds,fil) S2Masked = ee.ImageCollection(S2WithCloudMask).map(cloud_prob).first() elif method == 'qa': S2Masked = QA(args) if cdi != None: S2Masked = CDI(S2Masked) if maskShadows: S2Masked = get_shadows(S2Masked) S2Masked = apply_mask(clean_dilate(S2Masked)) return S2Masked def L8(args): cloudsBitMask = (1 << 5) qa ='pixel_qa') mask = qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudsBitMask).eq(0) if maskShadows: cloudShadowBitMask = (1 << 3) mask = mask.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudShadowBitMask).eq(0)) return args.updateMask(mask) def L457(args): qa ='pixel_qa') cloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 5).And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 7)) if maskShadows: cloud = cloud.Or(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 3)) mask2 = args.mask().reduce(ee.Reducer.min()); return args.updateMask(cloud.Not()).updateMask(mask2); def MOD09GA(args): qa ='state_1km') notCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 0).eq(0) if maskShadows: notCloud = notCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 2).eq(0)) if maskCirrus: notCloud = notCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 8).eq(0)) return args.updateMask(notCloud); def MCD15A3H(args): qa ='FparExtra_QC') notCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 5).eq(0) if maskShadows: notCloud = notCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 6).eq(0)) if maskCirrus: notCloud = notCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 4).eq(0)) return args.updateMask(notCloud); def MOD09Q1(args): qa ='State') notCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 0).eq(0) if maskShadows: notCloud = notCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 2).eq(0)) if maskCirrus: notCloud = notCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 8).eq(0)) return args.updateMask(notCloud); def MOD09A1(args): qa ='StateQA') notCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 0).eq(0) if maskShadows: notCloud = notCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 2).eq(0)) if maskCirrus: notCloud = notCloud.And(qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 8).eq(0)) return args.updateMask(notCloud) def MOD17A2H(args): qa ='Psn_QC') notCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 3).eq(0) return args.updateMask(notCloud) def MOD16A2(args): qa ='ET_QC') notCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 3).eq(0) return args.updateMask(notCloud) def MOD13Q1A1(args): qa ='SummaryQA') notCloud = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 0).eq(0) return args.updateMask(notCloud) def MOD13A2(args): qa ='SummaryQA') notCloud = qa.eq(0) return args.updateMask(notCloud) lookup = { 'COPERNICUS/S3': S3, 'COPERNICUS/S2': S2, 'LANDSAT/LC08': L8, 'LANDSAT/LE07': L457, 'LANDSAT/LT05': L457, 'LANDSAT/LT04': L457, 'MODIS/006/MOD09GA': MOD09GA, 'MODIS/006/MCD15A3H': MCD15A3H, 'MODIS/006/MOD09Q1': MOD09Q1, 'MODIS/006/MOD09A1': MOD09A1, 'MODIS/006/MOD17A2H': MOD17A2H, 'MODIS/006/MOD16A2': MOD16A2, 'MODIS/006/MOD13Q1': MOD13Q1A1, 'MODIS/006/MOD13A1': MOD13Q1A1, 'MODIS/006/MOD13A2': MOD13A2, 'MODIS/006/MYD09GA': MOD09GA, 'MODIS/006/MYD09Q1': MOD09Q1, 'MODIS/006/MYD09A1': MOD09A1, 'MODIS/006/MYD17A2H': MOD17A2H, 'MODIS/006/MYD16A2': MOD16A2, 'MODIS/006/MYD13Q1': MOD13Q1A1, 'MODIS/006/MYD13A1': MOD13Q1A1, 'MODIS/006/MYD13A2': MOD13A2 } platformDict = _get_platform(self) if platformDict['platform'] not in list(lookup.keys()): raise Exception("Sorry, satellite platform not supported for cloud masking!") maskedImage = lookup[platformDict['platform']](self) return maskedImage
[docs]@_extend_eeImage() def scale(self): '''Scales bands on an image. Parameters ---------- self : ee.Image [this] Image to scale. Check the supported platforms in User Guide > Image Scaling > Supported Platforms. Returns ------- ee.Image Scaled image. Examples -------- >>> import ee, eemont >>> ee.Initialize() >>> S2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR').first().scale() ''' platformDict = _get_platform(self) lookup = _get_scale_method(platformDict) if platformDict['platform'] not in list(lookup.keys()): raise Exception("Sorry, satellite platform not supported for scaling!") scaledImage = lookup[platformDict['platform']](self) return scaledImage