
Let’s see how to use the extended constructors available through eemont!

Before anything, let’s import our modules and authenticate in Google Earth Engine:

import ee, eemont


Now, we are ready to go!


The eemont package extends the ee.Geometry, ee.Feature and ee.FeatureCollection classes with the following constructors:


BBoxFromQuery(query[, geocoder])

Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a bounding box from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package.

PointFromQuery(query[, geocoder])

Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a point from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package.

MultiPointFromQuery(query[, geocoder])

Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a multi-point from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package.


BBoxFromQuery(query[, geocoder])

Constructs an ee.Feature describing a bounding box from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package.

PointFromQuery(query[, geocoder])

Constructs an ee.Feature describing a point from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package.


MultiPointFromQuery(query[, geocoder])

Constructs an ee.Feature describing a point from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package.


Constructors By Query

The constructors by query use the geopy package to construct geometries, features and feature collections.

The simplest geometry to construct is the Point, and can be constructed for ee.Geometry and ee.Feature classes;

geometry = ee.Geometry.PointFromQuery('Cali, Colombia',user_agent = 'eemont-user-guide-constructors')
feature = ee.Feature.PointFromQuery('Cali, Colombia',user_agent = 'eemont-user-guide-constructors')

It has to be noted that the user_agent argument is mandatory and it can be set to any string representing the app or the GEE username.


If the user_agent argument is not defined, the constructor will raise an Exception.

By default, to geocode the query, the Nominatim geocoder is used. If required, this parameter can be modified:

geometry = ee.Geometry.PointFromQuery('Cali, Colombia',geocoder = 'arcgis',user_agent = 'eemont-user-guide-constructors')

The second geometry to construct is the MultiPoint, and can be constructed for ee.Geometry and ee.FeatureCollection classes:

geometry = ee.Geometry.MultiPointFromQuery('Colombia',user_agent = 'eemont-user-guide-constructors')
feature_collection = ee.FeatureCollection.MultiPointFromQuery('Colombia',user_agent = 'eemont-user-guide-constructors')


When a query is submitted, a set of locations is retrieved. The MultiPoint constructors create a class taking all locations into account. The Point constructors just take the first one.

The last geometry to construct is the Bounding Box, and can be constructed for ee.Geometry and ee.Feature classes:

geometry = ee.Geometry.BBoxFromQuery('Europe',user_agent = 'eemont-user-guide-constructors')
feature = ee.Feature.BBoxFromQuery('Europe',user_agent = 'eemont-user-guide-constructors')


When using constructors for ee.Feature and ee.FeatureCollection classes, the raw properties of the location, or locations, are set for the feature or feature collection.