eemont in R

Let’s see how to use eemont in R with rgee!

Before anything, let’s import our modules and authenticate in Google Earth Engine:



Now, we are ready to go!

First, we have to install eemont (if required):


Then, eemont can be imported!

eemont <- import("eemont")

All python methods are available here, let’s take a look!

Define a point of interest:

point <- ee$Geometry$Point(c(-74.0592,11.3172))

Get and filter the Landsat 8 SR collection:

L8 <- ee$ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR')$filterBounds(point)

And use eemont as you wish!

L8 <- L8$maskClouds()$scale()$index("NDWI")