Source code for eemont.feature

import ee
import geopy
from geopy.geocoders import get_geocoder_for_service
from .geometry import *

def _extend_staticmethod_eeFeature():
    """Decorator. Extends the ee.Feature class with a static method."""
    return lambda f: (setattr(ee.feature.Feature,f.__name__,staticmethod(f)) or f)

[docs]@_extend_staticmethod_eeFeature() def PointFromQuery(query,geocoder = "nominatim",**kwargs): '''Constructs an ee.Feature describing a point from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package. This returns exactly one pair of coordinates. The properties of the feature correspond to the raw properties retrieved by the location of the query. Parameters ---------- query : str Address, query or structured query to geocode. geocoder : str, default = 'nominatim' Geocoder to use. Please visit for more info. **kwargs : Keywords arguments for geolocator.geocode(). The user_agent argument is mandatory (this argument can be set as user_agent = 'my-gee-username' or user_agent = 'my-gee-app-name'). Please visit for more info. Returns ------- ee.Feature Feature with a geometry describing a point from the specified query. Examples -------- >>> import ee, eemont >>> ee.Initialize() >>> ee.Feature.PointFromQuery('Mt. Rainier, USA',user_agent = 'my-gee-eemont-query').getInfo() {'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-121.757682, 46.8521484]}, 'properties': {'boundingbox': ['46.8520984', '46.8521984', '-121.757732', '-121.757632'], 'class': 'natural', 'display_name': 'Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Washington, United States', 'importance': 0.5853390667167165, 'lat': '46.8521484', 'licence': 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.', 'lon': '-121.757682', 'osm_id': 1744903493, 'osm_type': 'node', 'place_id': 17287419, 'type': 'volcano'}} See Also -------- BBoxFromQuery : Constructs an ee.Feature describing a bounding box from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package. ''' cls = get_geocoder_for_service(geocoder) geolocator = cls(**kwargs) location = geolocator.geocode(query) if location == None: raise Exception('No matches were found for your query!') else: geometry = ee.Geometry.Point([location.longitude,location.latitude]) return ee.Feature(geometry,location.raw)
[docs]@_extend_staticmethod_eeFeature() def BBoxFromQuery(query,geocoder = "nominatim",**kwargs): '''Constructs an ee.Feature describing a bounding box from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package. The properties of the feature correspond to the raw properties retrieved by the location of the query. Parameters ---------- query : str Address, query or structured query to geocode. geocoder : str, default = 'nominatim' Geocoder to use. One of 'nominatim' or 'arcgis'. Please visit for more info. **kwargs : Keywords arguments for geolocator.geocode(). The user_agent argument is mandatory (this argument can be set as user_agent = 'my-gee-username' or user_agent = 'my-gee-app-name'). Please visit for more info. Returns ------- ee.Feature Feature with a geometry describing a bounding box from the specified query. Examples -------- >>> import ee, eemont >>> ee.Initialize() >>> ee.Feature.BBoxFromQuery('Bogotá',user_agent = 'my-gee-eemont-query').getInfo() {'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': {'geodesic': False, 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[[-74.22351370000001, 4.4711754], [-74.0102483, 4.4711754], [-74.0102483, 4.8331695], [-74.22351370000001, 4.8331695], [-74.22351370000001, 4.4711754]]]}, 'properties': {'boundingbox': ['4.4711754', '4.8331695', '-74.2235137', '-74.0102483'], 'class': 'boundary', 'display_name': 'Bogotá, Bogotá Distrito Capital, Región Andina, 11001, Colombia', 'icon': '', 'importance': 0.7931743429157826, 'lat': '4.6533326', 'licence': 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.', 'lon': '-74.083652', 'osm_id': 7426387, 'osm_type': 'relation', 'place_id': 259216862, 'type': 'administrative'}} See Also -------- PointFromQuery : Constructs an ee.Feature describing a point from a query submitted to a geodocer using the geopy package. ''' if geocoder in ['nominatim','arcgis']: cls = get_geocoder_for_service(geocoder) else: raise Exception('Invalid geocoder! Use one of "nominatim" or "arcgis".') geolocator = cls(**kwargs) location = geolocator.geocode(query) if location is None: raise Exception('No matches were found for your query!') else: if geocoder == 'nominatim': BBox = location.raw['boundingbox'] geometry = ee.Geometry.BBox(float(BBox[2]),float(BBox[0]),float(BBox[3]),float(BBox[1])) return ee.Feature(geometry,location.raw) elif geocoder == 'arcgis': BBox = location.raw['extent'] geometry = ee.Geometry.BBox(BBox['xmin'],BBox['ymin'],BBox['xmax'],BBox['ymax']) return ee.Feature(geometry,location.raw) else: raise Exception('Invalid geocoder! Use one of "nominatim" or "arcgis".')