Source code for eemont.dataframe

import ee
import pandas as pd
import warnings

def _extend_pdDataFrame():
    """Decorator. Extends the pd.DataFrame class."""
    return lambda f: (setattr(pd.core.frame.DataFrame,f.__name__,f) or f)

[docs]@_extend_pdDataFrame() def toEEFeatureCollection(self,latitude = None,longitude = None): '''Converts a pd.DataFrame object into an ee.FeatureCollection object. If lat/lon coordinates are available, the Data Frame can be converted into a Feature Collection with an associated geometry. Parameters ---------- self : pd.DataFrame [this] Data Frame to convert into a Feature Collection. latitude : string Name of a latitude column, if available. Coupled with a longitude column, an ee.Geometry.Point is created and associated to each Feature. longitude : string Name of a longitude column, if available. Coupled with a latitude column, an ee.Geometry.Point is created and associated to each Feature. Returns ------- ee.FeatureCollection Data Frame converted into a Feature Collection. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame() >>> df['lat'] = [2.92846, 4.8927] >>> df['lon'] = [-76.0269, -75.3188] >>> df['name'] = ['Nevado del Huila', 'Nevado del Ruiz'] >>> fc = df.toEEFeatureCollection(latitude = 'lat',longitude = 'lon') ''' def getFeature(r): properties = r.to_dict() if latitude != None and longitude == None: warnings.warn("longitude missing, Feature Collection with no geometries generated!",Warning) return ee.Feature(None,properties) elif latitude == None and longitude != None: warnings.warn("latitude missing, Feature Collection with no geometries generated!",Warning) return ee.Feature(None,properties) elif latitude != None and longitude != None: point = ee.Geometry.Point([r[longitude],r[latitude]]) return ee.Feature(point,properties) else: return ee.Feature(None,properties) dataFrame = self.copy() dataFrame['feature'] = dataFrame.apply(getFeature,axis = 1) featureCollection = ee.FeatureCollection(dataFrame['feature'].tolist()) return featureCollection